For most claims you have three years from the day of accident within which to bring the claim before the Court. If the claim is not brought before the Court within that time, you are not permitted to claim. It is therefore very important to establish the exact date of the accident. We always recommend contacting us to establish an exact date. There are some exceptions – claims brought through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, or where the accident occurred whilst at sea or on an airplane – you have 2 years to bring these types of claim. Children have until 3 years after their 18th birthday within which to claim. The time limit for some claims starts when you first became aware of the negligence, e.g. industrial disease or medical negligence claims.
There are a few exceptions to this principle (such as where a injured person does not have the mental capacity to handle their own affairs) and if you are not sure, you should contact us for further advice.
Providing that the claim starts as soon as possible after the accident, most claims are settled without involving the Court.